If you found this post, you're probably dealing with a number of seasonal allergy symptoms, even if you don't actually have seasonal allergies. Maybe you're even looking for how to clear histamine from the body without using antihistamines or H2 blockers, the typical medicines that doctors throw at a runny nose and a rash.
This article is focused on that very issue, particularly for those with a histamine intolerance— how can you lower histamine levels naturally and for good?

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🤔 What is Histamine?
Histamine is an inflammatory nitrogen-containing biogenic amine, which just means that wherever it goes, it causes inflammation. To produce histamine, enzymes and co-factors must come together to convert the essential amino acid L-histidine via a process called "decarboxylation."
The main co-factors necessary for the production of histamine are PLP (pyridoxal 5’-phosphate), vitamin C, iron, and vitamin B6. Some people with histamine issues end up deficient in one or more of those nutrients due to their body's overproduction of histamine.
But histamine is necessary because it plays an important part in the body’s inflammatory and immune cells' reactions to different allergens such as pollen, dust, certain foods, insect bites, and even certain medications.
Recently histamine has also been recognized as a neurotransmitter, due to its many body-wide effects. Histamine is mainly produced in granules in the basophils and mast cells (important parts of your immune system.
Normally, histamine is cleared from the body through a metabolism (breakdown) catalyzed by the enzymes diamine oxidase (DAO) and histamine methyltransferase (HNMT).

🌡️ Causes of High Histamine Levels
Histamine intolerance itself is a symptom of the root cause(s) and should NOT be listed as a cause by itself. Some of the most common causes include SIBO, mastocytosis, mast cell activation diseases, heavy metal poisoning, some inflammation-causing viruses, and mold toxicity or other infections.
Some sources I've read over the years have mentioned nutrient deficiencies, specifically vitamin B12, as playing a role in developing histamine intolerance that can be reversed. Now that we understand what histamine is and why it's important, let's look at the many potential causes of high histamine levels.
A condition known as Histamine Toxicity occurs when histamine accumulates in the body, and eventually rises to toxic levels which can lead to potentially dangerous physical symptoms, including anaphylaxis.
The fact is that chronic histamine toxicity— i.e. histamine intolerance— is still widely unknown to modern doctors, and that seems to be the main reason why it still goes widely undiagnosed.

🤒 8 Potential Causes of Histamine Toxicity
- Poorly refrigerated or spoiled fish, such as tuna or anchovy, which develop an overgrowth of histamine-producing bacteria. When this bacteria is consumed, it can cause elevated and eventually toxic levels of histamine, in a condition is known as Scombroid Poisoning. Certain types of fish are more prone to causing histamine toxicity, including mackerel, herring, tuna, mahi-mahi, anchovies, bluefish, marlin, and amberjack.
- Low DAO: a deficiency of the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), which metabolizes and eliminates histamine from the body, can lead to elevated histamine levels in the body and eventual overload. Causes of DAO Deficiency include the excess use of alcohol, overgrowth of certain intestinal bacteria, as well as DAO blockers (a group which includes medicines as well as foods). Other causes of DAO Deficiency include hormonal imbalances and gastrointestinal disorders such as Irritable Bowel Diseases, of which Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease are the most common.
- Mastocytosis is another cause of histamine toxicity. It occurs when the number of mast cells increases in the body’s tissues, even in places where they shouldn't be. As the number of mast cells increases, so does the amount of histamine produced within the cells, leading eventually to histamine overload if left untreated.
- Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a histamine liberator in which there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestines usually due to complications of surgery or intestinal disease, which then leads to elevated histamine levels.
- Mast Cell Activation Diseases are rare, but seem to be increasing in the general population. They're characterized by abnormal mast cell activation by patient-specific triggers, which cause them to release unnecessary histamine. Continual and untreated triggering of the mast cells leads to extremely high levels of histamine, causing many of the symptoms of a severe allergic attack including hives, shortness of breath, and abnormally low blood pressure. This is different from Mastocytosis.
- Environmental poisoning: both mold poisoning and heavy metal poisoning, such as that with mercury or copper, have been found to lead to inflammatory reactions involving high levels of histamine.
- Viral infection: inflammation-causing viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 have been found to cause increased histamine levels and result in chronically high histamine states if left untreated. Other viruses and bacteria have also been found to increase histamine production and levels, especially in children.
- Vitamin B12 deficiency has also been associated with reversible but persistent histamine intolerance, thought to be due to issues with the body's ability to break down the histamine quickly enough.

📉 How to Reduce Histamine in the Body Naturally
1. Decrease Stress. Chronically high stress has been found to increase the release of many hormones, use up calming neurotransmitters, and release inflammatory substances such as histamine. Therefore reducing or managing physical and emotional stress can decrease histamine levels in the body. This should be one of your top priorities.
2. Eat a low histamine diet. There are many approaches to starting a low histamine diet, but the first step is to avoid all high histamine foods, as this can also help to decrease the amount of histamine in the body without requiring you to overhaul your diet in one go.
High histamine foods include any fermented foods such as sauerkraut, wine and beer, aged meats and cheeses, olives, tomatoes, vinegars, kombucha, most seafood, and spinach.
This may sound like a lot of foods to cut out, and if that's the case, for you it may just be easier to jump into following a low histamine diet that outlines only what you can eat.
But rest assured, after just 3-4 weeks eating low histamine, your symptoms should subside— and if not, you'll need to talk to your doctor about other potential causes for your allergy symptoms.

3. Fight inflammation with food. There are numerous anti-inflammatory and natural antihistamine foods you can & should add to your diet to naturally decrease the amount of histamine in your body. Some anti-histamine foods include garlic, basil, and olive oil, which all together make for a delicious pesto sauce, though there are dozens of options.
Each of these foods contains a combination of mast cell stabilizers and DAO supporters such as bromelain, a natural anti-histamine plant enzyme found in apples, onions, parsley, and blueberries.
4. Utilize natural antihistamines. While whole foods are the ideal form of nutrition, sometimes they're just not enough. This is where mast-cell stabilizers such as quercetin, stinging nettle, and astragalus come in. Quercetin, which is a polyphenol antioxidant found in pears and apples, has been found to stabilize mast cell membranes and thus decrease the level of histamine in the body, especially when combined with Vitamin C.
5. Digest more slowly. Another way to decrease histamine in the body is to slow its release, thereby giving the body more time to break it down. This means incorporating more sources of low histamine fiber, fat, and protein so that you digest food more slowly, decreasing the rate of further histamine release and giving your body more time to break it down.
Low histamine proteins include nut butters and fresh-frozen meats, and low histamine fats include avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and fats from low histamine meats. Some low histamine fibers to add into meals include hemp, chia, and flax seeds.

6. Increase your DAO. Diamine oxidase, or DAO, is an enzyme produced in the kidneys, the lining of the intestines, and the thymus. As mentioned above, DAO’s main function is to metabolize and break down excess amounts of ingested histamine in the body, along with the enzyme histamine methyltransferase (HNMT).
Increasing DAO production can be accomplished by “eating the building blocks” needed for our bodies to produce our own DAO, which includes the materials needed to make DAO and well as the co-factors needed for its production.
These building blocks are foods that enhance DAO function and production, and they include fresh organic proteins, grass-fed meats, and omega-9 fatty acids, such as those found in fresh eggs, coconuts, and olive oil.
Additional helpful nutrients are found in most types of fresh fruit and various grains, such as quinoa, rice, corn, and millet. Fresh pea sprouts are a vegan source of DAO, but even non-meat eaters should do their best to help their bodies produce DAO rather than consume it directly.
7. Correct systemic imbalances. Being deficient in any one nutrient can have a cascading effect, as can having too much of one. For example, high estrogen has been linked to high histamine levels, and low zinc or copper can impair the production of DAO.
Ask your doctor about getting a full blood panel to check for deficiencies or an overabundance of any given nutrient, though the blood will generally be the last place that a deficiency is revealed, as the body works very hard to keep it in homeostasis, sometimes to your own deficit.

8. Sweat more. This may sound strange if you've found that exercise seems to aggravate your symptoms, but sweat is one of the main ways in which your body eliminates toxins. Some people enjoy doing this in a sauna, but personally I prefer an evening bath in warm water, as I find that it also lowers my stress levels.
In this two-for-one approach, helping yourself sweat more will help your body eliminate any heavy metals or mold that may be contributing to your illness, as well as any excess nutrients.
Aim for 15 minutes a day, as any longer in the bath and your body may start reabsorbing all that you just released. Adding epsom salt or baking soda can help further calm your system.
9. Address gut health. This should by no means be the last thing you try or a one-off attempt. Your gut is where much of your body's histamine ends up, so making sure that it's in balance should be a top priority.
Low stomach acid levels can contribute to high histamine levels by leaving your gut vulnerable to opportunistic bacteria that either themselves produce histamine or deteriorate DAO, so it’s important for your gut microbiome to keep it neither too high nor too low.
This means checking your stomach acid levels, as well as asking your doctor about a SIBO breath test and a stool test to check for parasites, pathogens, and imbalances in gut flora. Based on the results and your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe you a probiotic or a course of natural antivirals.
One example is mastic gum and oil of oregano (which I took to get rid of my h. pylori). Alternatively, they may pronounce your gut healthy, which is itself an important clue.

I hope this post has helped you figure out a few new ways to support your body's natural histamine-clearing pathways, as well as fight inflammation in other ways. Do you have any more tips for clearing histamine without antihistamines or H2 blockers?
Helen says
This article is the best one I have read that explains how to reduce histamine in the body.
Thank you for making this valuable information available.
Max says
My pleasure, Helen! I'm glad it could be of help. 🙂
Tex Gowing says
Hi, My name is Tex Gowing. My Daughter Kimberley in remission from cervical cancer 3.5 years now. Because of the treatment and medication since the completion of the treatment, she developed a stomach infection taking two separate courses of 3 different types of anti-biotics, which neutralized the enzyme *Diamine Oxidase* one of the Primary breakdowns for excess Histamine. Also with this came an esophageal closing problem when eating certain foods. is there out there any recent research on this enigma. & if so, has there been any answers forthcoming from that research? who did the research? where was the research conducted?? And can they be contacted either by email or by Phone
Max says
Hi, Tex! I'm very glad to hear of Kimberley's remission, and that she has you on her side to advocate for her as she still manages medical issues. I'm sure it's been unbelievably difficult for your entire family.
Keep in mind that I'm not a doctor, and this not medical advice, but antibiotics are incredibly devastating for the gut bacteria, as they're almost always broad spectrum, meaning they wipe out the 'good' bacteria as well as the 'bad.' Her esophagus issues may not be related to histamine in the food she's eating, though it sounds like it is affected somehow by food. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any research around esophageal closure and histamine issues.
I personally have an esophageal spasm my gastro said is likely just going to continue happening or diappear on its own - it's been going on for about 7 years now, and can be incredibly scary and painful some days. It's also almost always brought on by eating, and doesn't seem related to the type of food itself or even the volume; sometime it happens when I'm really hungry. It's like a burning feeling in the chest, radiating to my back (which the esophagus is closer to). Does that sound at all similar to what Kimberley is currently managing? Some other considerations include: are there any commonalities between the foods? The timing between meals? Time of the month or day she's eating? Any difference based on the volume of food she eats?
After so many rounds of antibiotics, what she's eating is incredibly important, and I really highly encourage you to work with a registered dietitian to tactfully repopulate her gut with good, healing bacteria that can help her return to full health. I'm sorry I don't have any leads regarding the esophagus issue, but it's highly affected by the vagus nerves, so this may be an avenue to look into.
Lex says
For more than 10 years I have been struggling with histamine intolerance and I can confirm that all the information in this article aligns with what I have learned since then. It is a good summary. It is annoying that we need to be our own doctors when it comes to this condition, the medical world still does not take this seriously.
Alcohol is one of the worst things for me, so I have started avoiding it entirely. If I would drink just 1 beer now, I would have random inflammations across random places of my body for up to a whole month. I have tried alcohol-free beers, but they are still chock full of histamines.
If you want to have a really, really bad time as a sufferer of HI, eat a snack called Twiglets, sticks coated with pure yeast extract. So, don't! I think if I would eat a whole bag of this stuff, I would end up featuring in a Chubbyemu video. But it's oh so delicious, which is a big problem with many of the forbidden foods.
I have found DAO supplements to be of limited use when it comes to escaping the stringent diets. Perhaps they can cut down the length of the ensuing misery down from 2 to 1 days when I try to eat something with soy sauce, and perhaps I could fully eliminate the problems by taking more, but the supplements are just too expensive to do this on a regular basis.
Max says
Thank you for the kind words, Lex, and I'm so sorry you've been dealing with such complex and frustrating issues, and for so much of your life! I'm sure that's been a difficult burden to bear, and I'm sorry that DAO hasn't helped. But for what it's worth, doctors do seem to be becoming more familiar with histamine issues as the years pass and people affected by covid are realizing that they've had some degree of MCAS awoken in them. So even though it's difficult, I'm glad you've taken the time to push through and figure out your triggers so you can better manage them. Thank you for sharing some of your story!
Katherine says
I've been researching a lot and am surprised that the DAO hasn't helped. I would like to suggest that you look into a problem of detox in your body. It is a problem I have. I found out because I had a test done for the MTHFR gene defect. It is a blood test. The defect makes it much more difficult for your body to get rid of toxins and they build up in your system, potentially causing a myriad of issues. (my personal experience). The defect inhibits the methylation system. Methylfolate (vitamin B9) is not active. There are ways to address this effectively, but, you'll have to do some of your own research and talk to a health provider about it to get tested and find out what your are deficient in. I suggest doing web searches for symptoms of MTHFR and see if they are things you have issues with. then ask for a blood test. that's what I did. good luck. FYI-I had to give up my favorite IPA, too. (sad face) But, with everything I am doing to help myself, I am definitely on the mend... cheers.
Ann says
Thank you so very much for this very informative article. Have had allergy since very early childhood with many sinus surgeries which weren't very nice and very traumatic experiences (due to infections), probably caused by inflammation. I will definitely be keeping an eye on your site and follow you. I haven't opted to follow any other site, just yours.
Max says
That's very kind of you, Ann! I'm sorry you've been struggling with all of this for so long, but I hope that some of what I share will help you find relief, and take back control for yourself.
Henok Alemayehu says
I have got this article more helpful; I was panic with allergy for long time and It was connected the diet I had been using so I got some mechanisms the way I do to reduces the level of histamine in my body rather than using H2 blocker, thanks;
Max says
My pleasure, Henok! I'm glad you've gotten something helpful out of it.
Patty Taylor says
I take Immune modulators for my lupus and that depletes my DAO by 90%.
So I am learning more about this!
Diamine oxidase (DAO) is an enzyme that your body makes to break down histamine from foods.
Histamine Intolerance, also called food histaminosis or enteral histaminosis.
A says
i really appreciate the sensitivity with which this was written.
i use higher doses of liposimal vitamin c + strong black tea that's caffeinated, caffeine acts as a natural antihistamine (tho tea has higher levels of histamine) this combo works which is good because i react to Benadryl last i checked X D
Max says
Thank you, and I appreciate you sharing your experience. From a scientific perspective, as a stimulant, caffeine can actually have the downstream effect of raising histamine (by causing a rise in dopamine and then an uptick in adrenaline, which can cause a bblood sugar rise and/or a release of histamine as part of the stress response), so tread carefully whne it comes to caffeine. Otherwise, vitamin C is a great antioxidant, and tea also contains and abundance of natural antihistamine substances. It really sucks that you react to benadryl!!
Beverly Klemme says
Olive oil is mentioned many times in this article and I have also seen it mentioned in other articles on histamine intolerance. It seems that nothing bad can be said about olive oil. I have histamine intolerance and I react very badly to olive oil. Olive oil has histamine in it. If it helps at all, it's not enough to overcome the reaction. I caution anyone with histamine intolerance against ingesting olive oil.
Max says
I don't think people hail olive oil as a fully-tolerated oil for all, but it's certainly well-tolerated by most people, from what readers and research have told me over the years. I do use it in a lot of my recipes, along with coconut oil, but if you have a sensitivity to olive oil then you should definitely avoid it and just use a different oil— it's all about figuring out why and in which forms you react to certain foods, and configuring your diet around that. If you have very low DAO levels, you may not tolerate olive oil very well initially, but that doesn't mean it's high in histamine or should be avoided by all, and I'd caution against fear-mongering specific foods that are otherwise healthy only because you've reacted to it.
Paulee says
Olive oil is very high in Salicylates. Perhaps that is what u are reacting to.
Max says
I've not reacted to olive oil in other contexts, thankfully, but oxalates or salicylates are always good things to consider.
Tina says
I think that there might be mold behind the paneling in the rental I live in I am all of a sudden so sensitive to anything and everything been living here for 4 years and have been getting sicker and sicker don't know where to start as moving isn't an option right now
Max says
I highly recommend checking out the book 'Through the Shadowlands' by Julie Rehmeyer. She's a science writer dealing with debilitating mold illness, but I can summarize it for you, as someone who's lived with mold: you can't escape until you leave, and I mean escape. Think of it like an abusive relationship that you just need to flee from, because it colonizes in everything and on everything it can, so if mold is truly making you ill, you need to get away from it and anything it's been in contact with. Mold has been evolving for millions of years and we can't even see the spores, so even if something looks safe, it probably isn't. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news or make anyone more worried, but as someone who's been medically brushed-off or not told the full story too many times to count over the last half decade, I'd rather you not think (like me) that you can spend 3 years living in mold and just leave it behind when you move. Maybe you have people you care for, finance issues, or any of the above, but if you live with mold and it is making you sick, the ONLY first step is to leave and leave all the fabrics and other absorbent things behind. Buy new clothes form a department store and leave every single thing you brought in with you behind. Go live somewhere else, somewhere verified mold-free for one week, and then see how you feel. Your health is everyhting, and I guarantee that even if they don't understand what's going on, your family doesn't want you dying just because they don't 'believe in' the reason you became ill. I'd also 100% consult an expert in mold illness, because they can explain all of this in much better detail and with much more scientific backing than I can. I'm sorry you're dealing with all this, Tina, and I wish you all the luck in the world.
David Munro says
A very well written and researched article which has given me all the information I need about how to lower my histamine levels. Thank you.
Max says
It's my pleasure, David! Always glad to be of help through science.
Laura says
Wonderful article, thank you! I believe as we age DAO production naturally declines. Is this true?
lowhistamineeats says
Thanks, Laura! From what I've read, yes, this is true; DAO production declines along with most other functions, as we age. This is why older people tend to be more affected by HIT.
Deb says
Yes, this seems valid info. I have been researching my dermatitis for decades and mostly food and stress seems to trigger. Over the years however my food has narrowed and I hit points of despair to enjoy food other than most but not all vegis! Nightshades, high acid, sugary fruits are a problem. Also most grains, nuts etc etc. I totally understand others suffering. I currently have a steady rash, crazy itching, after Covid booster end of Dec. It's relentless! I have to keep trying things tho, its not tolerable to be in a body rash. I've heard the gut is critical.. do you think leaky guy is legitimate?
lowhistamineeats says
Stress can be a HUGE underlying factor for people, myself included. The body responds to the environments it's in the best it knows how, regardless of how you would want it to respond. I was reading a book for practitioners last year that was talking about allostasis, which is basically the name for process of the body responding to perceived stressors (foods, pollen, annoying people, etc.), and doing its best to maintain homeostasis. It reacts to what it perceives to be the "new normal." So when a person is dealing with too many stressors, often this can change the basic ways their body responds to things. Learning about this seriously changed the way I saw my body's reactions, and motivated me more to work with my body to understand its logic. I often randomly get contact dermatitis, and it seems to be merely from prolonged contact with anything, so I can relate... dermatitis sucks big time.
Sorry to have gone off on a tangent! But to answer your question, I do think leaky gut is a legitimate issue, but it seems more complex than it's usually explained. It seems to be related to more general inflammation of the gut leading to all sorts of things including higher intestinal permeability or even dysbiosis (imbalance of the bacteria in the gut). It sounds like your immune system is on high alert, as well as your gut being out of balance. I'm not a doctor so I can't give medical advice, but if I were you, my personal choice would be to look closer at my gut. Maybe ask your doctor about a stool test for parasites or dysbiosis, and about colostrum or other immune-regulating supplements. I've been on low-dose Naltrexone for about 10 weeks now and it's been life-changing for my joint pain, numbness, and most of my stomach issues. Sorry for the info dump, but I hope this help, and I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, Deb!
Trisha says
@Deb, I totally understand your frustration. I never had any allergies, sensitivities, rash, hives, etc the majority of my life and then it started up about 12 yrs ago. And progressively got worse. I was diagnosed allergic to milk & egg yolks with intolerances to citrus, chocolate & such. And had to give up as many histamine releasing foods as I could. It is very sad to have to stop eating all the foods you enjoyed your whole life due to a condition that is hard to understand but makes life miserable. I even ended up with asthma & Roscea because of it. I take Allegra now which helps. Anything that is sedating helps, but I have to take sedatives at bedtime. No itching in the night due to that. I don't recommend this, but drinking alcohol (I drink domestic beer) calms my itching. I suspect because alcohol is considered sedating. I only drink alcohol in moderation and when I won't be driving or doing anything of importance; For me, it calms the itching.
Sharon Gregory says
@Deb, leaky gut is definitely legitimate. Eating foods with lectins supposedly Tara halls in the gut lining.yuck!
Su says
You said to check stomach acid levels…do low stomach acid levels contribute to high histamine levels? Why is that?
lowhistamineeats says
Yes, low stomach acid levels can contribute to high histamine levels by leaving your gut vulnerable to opportunistic bacteria that either themselves produce histamine or deteriorate DAO, so it's important for your gut microbiome to keep it neither too high nor too low.
Trisha says
@lowhistamineeats, I just read your article. Very interesting. I have suffered from food allergies & sensitivities for many yrs. To the point where I started getting hives & rash on my face that I never had before (I had to cut out all chocolate) & diagnosed with Roscea for the first time in my life. It seems like when I use antacids like famotidine, I get more itchy skin & other reactions. I now wonder if that is a trigger for me. I have acid reflux & sensitive stomach and that's why I take an antacid. I've tried all of them. I started taking Allegra & it helped but sometimes even that is not enough. Today I ended up with very dry, itchy skin even though I did nothing different except a few roasted peanuts with other food and the antacid. Many yrs ago I was exposed to mold daily, plus a stressful environment, and during that time is when the allergies issues started, asthma, and sensitivities. Somedays are better than others, but it's so frustrating to go all your life with none of this, and now I have all this at 71 yrs old.
Max says
I totally get it, Trisha. I'm dealing with all this at 27, and it's been over 5 years now. The first 21 years were fine, and then BAM; it's like everything seemed to hit at once. Definitely sounds like the famotidine isn't for you-- have you ever been tested for low stomach acid causing the reflux? Daily mold will definitely do it, from what I've read & experienced. Sending big big hugs, and hoping that something you've read here has helped!
Donna says
Please do not take antacid medications or over the counter acid blockers (Tums, etc.). You do not have too much stomach acid, you actually don't have enough. When your stomach acid is too low, the sphincter that is at the top of your stomach doesn't close and allows what acid you DO have to rise up, causing "heartburn." Taking antacids only make the problem worse, which results in itching skin. You need to raise your stomach acid. One way is by using Betaine HCL, digestive bitters, bitter foods like dandelion & arugula, taking digestive enzymes and purified ox bile salts. As we age, we naturally produce less stomach acid and the damn doctors make it worse by putting people on horrible drugs like Prilosec, etc.
Max says
Just ringing in to say that this was the case with me, and my doctors who've actually addressed it said that this is the case with about 90% of people.
Nathan says
Now this contrary to what meds have been saying concerning gastric juice overload and lower sphincter performance. Anyone with more light on this. imortant topic
Cheryl says
@Trisha, I have a lot of issues also …. Not enough room to explain it all. Histamine intolerance is very hard to deal with…. Years ago I had terrible reflux and took medicine..
I had to stop all gluten because of other issues…and my reflux stopped. Now if I eat much gluten I will have reflux again. It is hard but you might want to try cutting it out.
My joints and overall health is much better when I don’t eat gluten, even all my other food sensitivities are better. It takes time .. so you need to be patient . I am 73 and been dealing with this for over 15 years… wish you well and hope it helps.
A says
some antacids contain aluminum, you might wanna check to see if urs does or not. if you have too much acid *look into* taking HCL (hydrochliric acid), vitamin c, or apple cider vinegar with meals.
Max says
Though keep in mind that HCl is literally stomach acid, A has a point that often GERD or the feeling of burning is due to too little stomach acid to properly digest, leaving food essentially rotting in your stomch for so long it starts to burn, as it's quite not acidic enough to fully digest everything. So ironically, for a feeling of too much acid, acidic things can be of great help, but DO discuss it with your doc, for sure.
Ramona says
Nuts and stress are a big trigger. Hives started for me at 61. The key is lowering stress and diet. As time go on you will learn how to keep the level low. for example, Go a strict low histamine diet for a few weeks to empty the histamine bucket and you have no symptoms. Take DAO 15 minutes before meals. Keep the colon clean so toxins are not accumulation in the colon. Don't eat that high histamine for several days again, then try a favorite food again. Keep the histamine bucket low to manage symptoms. You must have self control over what you eat and how much. Next, heal the gut.
Sharon Gregory says
@Trisha, it’s a known fact that peanuts are handled in big warehouses and have mold. I am 72 years old and I am in a major problem with mass cell activation, and good luck to you and do your research. Good luck to you.
Natalie Montoya says
This is a great article. Some of the stuff in here took me years to figure out. Wish I would have come across this in the beginning.
lowhistamineeats says
Thank you, Natalie! I'm sorry you've been dealing with this for years, but I'm glad to be of any help I can right now.
Bernice F. Barela says
Very interesting & very informative, Thank You,
I have chronic hives on daily basis, very frustrating. Recently started reading of Histamine levels in foods what a head ache to be taking record of all the foods, I have to be a science professor. We need a section @ a grocery store that is strictly no histamine & low histamine foods. If we are sick we don't have any energy to go shopping & or be reading & researching for foods that are okay for us to eat. I don't even have energy to get out of Bed. Perhaps a frozen dinner plate-Label non histamine or low histamine.
lowhistamineeats says
I completely understand your frustration, and I can empathize. I've been in that place, and it's a terrible feeling— maybe you could ask a friend to prepare a dish or two for you and then you can put them in the freezer once you've eaten enough? I've found that when I'm having a real flare, it takes me about 72 hours to recover enough to get back in the kitchen. So even if it means calling in a favor, it may be worth asking for help in these initial stages.
It really isn't fair, and it would be such a relief for so many people to just have things clearly written & in plain English, but unfortunately it ends up being so science-y because of how unique everyone's immune systems are. And even though I can't bring you food myself, I will be here advocating for such labels & clearer language for as long as I can! Wishing you better health in the days ahead.
Alyssa says
Do you have a water softener in your home? I used to get hives every day after getting out of the shower, then I bought a home and installed a water softener and no longer have hives anymore. I always thought it was from something I ate, but it was definitely just from the super hard water we have here.
Tia Green says
@Bernice F. Barela, I also suffer the same and I'm taking Benadryl Relief and that's the only thing that helps me
Mickey says
@Alyssa, or from the water treatment chemical 'choramine' which was banned in Europe.
Ramona says
@Bernice F. Barela,
My prayers are for you. I had severe hives by just having allergies all my life and then came job stress that triggered hives. Please but sure your diet is clean meaning no processed foods if possible. Eat various salads, fresh raw juices. I was taking Zyrtex and Allerga for a short time until the histamine level start to come down. Taking DAO before each meal. I also think my hives came from an underlying virus within my body that have been there for years. Now, I'm treating the virus and the most important is rest and lowering stress. Finding the root cause is the key to stopping hives. It is not histamine but some cause the histamine to rise. Start with the gut and really do a intestinal cleanse. Please ask for help while you are healing. I wish I was there to help. Please e-mail me, then we can connect by phone. I am not selling anything. I know how you feel. i just want to help. It is critical to ward off depression.